To make your fromage blanc or white cheese, follow the recipe on my previous post , How To Make a Fromage Blanc, here-
Once your cheese has cooled your are ready to add the extra ingredients. (You can also make this with goat cheese if you prefer).
For each 1/4 lb of fresh cheese add 1/4 cup snipped fennel leaf and a heaping tablespoon food grade lavender. Mix well into the cheese, using your hands or a wooden spatula. Lastly stir in a teaspoon honey, a bit more if you have made goat cheese. Put into a mold to set, or shape with your hands and wrap with cheese paper until ready to serve.
This is impressive set out on a cheese tray at your next party, or perfect for a wine and cheese picnic, or like I did today, slathered on a french baguette and enjoyed with a cup of Earl Grey Lavender tea. The bergamot lavender of the tea nicely complemented the anise, lavender , sweet honey flavor of the cheese.